Artificial intelligence (AI) and Digital Marketing: using Chat-GPT is cheating?

Artificial intelligence (AI) and Digital Marketing: using Chat-GPT is cheating?

Digital Marketing has undergone a momentous evolution, transforming itself each time with the advent of new technologies and trends. The question of whether using Chat-GPT is cheating depends largely on the context, the way it is used and the purpose behind its use. The analogy that comes to my mind, as an amateur DJ myself, is to compare digital marketers to DJs; specifically the use of tools like Chat-GPT and the use of the “Sync” button on DJ equipment and “controllers”. Let’s see:

As in all fields, at some point, technology pushes things to evolve. Before the technical revolution came to the DJ world, the skills required for DJing were largely practical and manual. The basic ability that any DJ had to master was beatmatching two tracks. In the old days, there were no screens to display the beats, waveform or BPM of a track; any DJ needed to use his or her ear to adjust the tempo of the two tracks to match each other’s BPM.

Any new tool (like Chat-GPT) is always cheating…

Well, the “Sync” function (short for synchronization) automated this process with the simple push of a button. The Sync button arrived in the 2000s as a new feature on professional DJ equipment and has spread to the point where it is now present on the most basic and cheapest DJ controllers.

Traditionalist DJs see the use of the Sync function as being far removed from the core of what it means to be a DJ. In their minds, this goes against the years of practice and hard work they have put into learning how to beat-match. DJs were paid for their skills (one of which was their ability to match tempos), and the fact that anyone can press a button and beat-match two tracks is interpreted as insulting, lazy and “cheating”.

Just like the DJ world and its hardware equipped with a Sync button, the Digital Marketing field has seen the rise of tools like Chat-GPT

Criticism of Chat-GPT and AI in Digital Marketing

Chat-GPT is (as if you haven’t heard of it…) a natural language processor capable of generating text that simulates human conversations or narratives. Like the Sync button in DJ hardware, which allows users to synchronise the beat of different tracks, new tools such as Chat-GPT offer a way to automate or accelerate certain tasks that previously required considerable human effort. For example, content generation (a website copy, a social media post, a press release, a blog post) or even a chatbot for customer service.

In the past, Digital Marketing relied on manual skills such as copywriting and detailed metrics analysis. The adoption of Chat-GPT by some digital marketers and many other professionals has generated some controversy, as many traditional practitioners see this as a kind of ‘shortcut’, a way of avoiding the effort and creativity previously considered fundamental to some fields.

Does using analysis or project management tools -to be more efficient- mean you are less professional in your field??

These critics argue that these new technologies diminish the need for fundamental human skills, such as creativity in writing and adaptability in dealing with the client. According to them, the tool trivialises the hard work and expertise that many have acquired over the years in the profession.

The key here is the intention and context; If you are using Chat-GPT to speed up the writing of an article, generate ideas for a creative project or get general information on a topic, you are using the tool legitimately. The goal is to help you be more efficient and effective in your tasks, or why not, to spark creativity. It is not about cheating or skipping the learning or assessment process.

Chat-GPT is not cheating… it’s helpful in Digital Marketing

There are many experts in the field of Digital Marketing (myself included) who embrace the advent of Chat-GPT and similar AI tools. The argument is that, just as the Sync button has made already pro DJs more capable, tools like Chat-GPT streamline many marketing processes and make them more efficient. Not only does it save time on tasks such as content generation, but it also allows digital marketers to concentrate on more strategic aspects of the job, such as campaign planning or data analysis.

Far from being a ‘trap’, adopting technologies such as Chat-GPT can expand creative possibilities. For example, a marketer can set up automatic responses to frequently asked customer questions, allowing him or her to focus on solving more complex problems or coming up with more inventive advertising campaigns.

The tool does not make the master

It is critical to understand that using Chat-GPT, or any other AI or non-AI-based tool, does not automatically guarantee success in Digital Marketing. Tools can make certain tasks easier, but ingenuity, creativity and the ability to understand the customer’s needs are still crucial. In the same way as a DJ, matching tempos instantaneously with the Sync button does not mean that he or she is able to interpret and react to other factors that are much more relevant to the party. This comes from experience and a deeper understanding of the craft.

One aspect to consider is the added value that a human expert can bring to the content. While Chat-GPT can create text that is grammatically correct and contextually relevant, it lacks the unique human perspective that is often essential for an effective marketing strategy. Just as a DJ needs more than a simple Sync button to create an unforgettable musical experience, a marketer needs more than an automated text-generation tool to create a successful campaign. The use of technology should be a complement to human skills, not a substitute.

Image: Artificial intelligence (AI) and Digital Marketing - using Chat-GPT is cheating?
My opinion on the use of AI and Chat-GPT in Digital Marketing

I don’t think using Chat-GPT is cheating, nor do I consider the Sync button to be insulting or lazy.

The use of this tool developed by OpenAI offers multiple advantages ranging from efficiency in customer service to relevant content generation and personalisation. Like the DJ deciding whether or not to use the Sync button, Chat-GPT should be a tool to improve service, not a substitute for authenticity and transparency in any kind of interaction. Technology in itself is not good or bad; it all depends on how we use it. But as with any tool, the key is to use it responsibly and ethically.

For savvy marketers, incorporating Chat-GPT into their practices should not be seen as cheating. It is a natural evolution of the field that opens up new possibilities and ways of interacting with customers. At the end of the day, what really matters is the quality of the work you produce and the value you deliver to your clients, regardless of the tools you use to achieve it.

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