Logo: Aridane.Marketing | Your Online Marketing Digital Agency | Berlin♥LaPalma


website services to

boost YOUR business

Whether you need a new website, a redesign, or an optimisation for more conversions 💻

Custom Web Design and Development services that work

At Aridane.Marketing we are experts in Web Design and Development, with a certified design team that creates custom, effective, and affordable websites. Always according to your guidelines, all of our projects have several points in common: capture your brand, improve your conversion rates, and maximise your revenue to help grow your business and achieve your goals.
1:1 Aridane.Marketing agency Digital Marketing services

Invest in your project’s success with our website services

Your website is the first interaction consumers have with your company in today’s digital world. But having a website is just part of the battle. It is very likely that a user’s first impression is related to the web design; it has to be attractive, professional, and above all, it has to convert and meet your goal. That’s why web design and development services can have a huge impact on your company’s bottom line.

At Aridane.Marketing we take online marketing into account from the beginning, so that your new website is not only easy to find in search engines, but also so that your visitors do exactly what they should do: contact, download, purchase, register, etc. For that reason, our websites are “lead-generation machines” as they are aimed at acquiring more customers and generating more revenue.

When you invest in our professional Web Design Services, you will receive a website that is:

Of course, we can include any additional features you need as part of your professional website design. For example, you can ask our developers to integrate a blog, a database, an online store, a booking engine, multiple languages, and much more.

Affordable Website Packages

High quality doesn’t mean a high cost. All our web design packages include a series of essential features such as an SSL security certificate, privacy and cookie compliance, responsive design, optimised performance, and more.

Basic Pack

landing page / one-pager
  • SSL certificate
  • Responsive design
  • Core web vitals

Standard Pack

up to 5 pages
  • SSL certificate
  • Responsive design
  • Core web vitals
  • Custom domain name

PRO Pack

up to 15 pages
  • SSL certificate
  • Responsive design
  • Core web vitals
  • Custom domain name
  • Cloud hosting
best value

Blog Pack

up to 15 posts & categories
  • SSL certificate
  • Responsive design
  • Core web vitals
  • Custom domain name

Expert Website Packages

The ideal choice for companies with higher specialisation or further requirements, such as established businesses with a large customer base, accommodation & lodging, local businesses, or online shops of any kind.

Corporate Pack
up to 25 pages
  • SSL certificate
  • Responsive design
  • Core web vitals
  • Custom domain name
  • Cloud hosting
  • Maintenance
Booking Engine Pack
up to 15 properties
  • Corporate pack features
  • Booking forms
  • Availability calendar
  • Third-party booking sync
  • Payment gateway
  • Guest/customer feedback
Online Shop Pack
up to 25 products
  • Corporate pack features
  • Menu-cart
  • Product archive
  • Product search & filter
  • Check-out page
  • Payment gateway

We are a professional WordPress Web Design agency

WordPress is a free platform that can be used to create websites, blogs or professional applications. This open source software is considered to be one of the most powerful platforms for creating attractive and performing designs. About 50% of all sites on the World Wide Web are created and run on WordPress. This demonstrates the consistency and support from both pros and casuals.

However, many people simply don’t know how to use the program properly. They don’t have the time to design their sites or they simply lack the technical knowledge necessary to achieve a professional website. We will be happy to be your WordPress Web Design agency, and thus develop and build your own WordPress website or WooCommerce online shop from start to finish.

Why choose WordPress CMS for your website?

At Ariadne.Marketing, we believe that your website should be as unique as your business. We consult closely with you to ensure that every aspect of your site, from layout to functionality, aligns with your business objectives and brand identity.

Ready to start your project? If you’re looking for a reliable, experienced WordPress web design agency, look no further. Contact us today to discuss your project, and let us help you make a strong digital impact!

Our Web Design & Development Process
Phase 1: On-boarding
We want to know all about you and your project! Part of our on-boarding process involves completing a questionnaire, asking a lot of questions about your business or organisation, telling us about sites you like, sites you had and more.
Phase 2: Design
Using the information you provided during the on-boarding process, our assigned team will work to create a custom design that suits your needs. This includes an initial concept for your review and input; we want to hear your feedback during the entire process.
Phase 3: Content
A website is nothing without content. We hope you have done your homework during the previous phases! Or have you booked our copywriting service? We both seek for quality content to deliver a high-converting website.
Phase 4: Development
Once the design and content are approved, it's time to take action! We'll turn the concept into a working website. Once completed, we'll provide you with a private URL for previewing and testing your website.
Phase 5: Delivery
Now it's time to launch! That means you've tested, approved, and everything is ready to put your website online. Don't worry, we'll take care of the technical part: uploading it to the agreed server, indexing it for Google... and all that super cool stuff.
Step 6: Support
The journey has just begun! We are happy to support you and answer all your questions. Remember that any website will need regularly new content and ongoing maintenance in order to thrive. Let's work together!
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Web Design and Development | FAQ

YES, OF COURSE! Having a website is essential. Even if it is a simple one, it is the best solution for business promotion; 24/7 available for your current or potential customers. More and more people are searching online to find what they want, find solutions to their problems, compare prices or simply get information about a store, restaurant or company before buying.

If you don’t have a website, potential customers will probably go to your competitors who do have a website. It will also be the best way to manage your content and measure the effectiveness of your strategies, it transmits credibility and security to your customers and allows you to share more content in an interactive and organised way.

Some small business owners or entrepreneurs think they cannot afford the cost of developing a professional website. Wrong! It is more expensive to lose the multiple benefits (economic or not) that a website provides!

Web design or development is calculated individually based on the needs of the project, as each website is unique and requires different elements. We will evaluate your needs and provide you with a quote according to your requirements.

Our prices run from €399 to €10,000 depending on the complexity of the project.

We always strive to meet our four- to six-week deadlines, but there are factors that could affect the delivery date. For example, the amount of input you provide during the initial phases, your response time for receiving/responding to feedback, how quickly you provide us with content… all of these affect the speed of completion.

Functionality needs can also have an impact: as you can imagine, more complex sites will take longer to develop.

We will ask a lot of questions about your needs and goals to develop the right look and functionality. But usually, you are the expert in your business, therefore it is better for you to provide the content. However, if you need help or don’t have the time, we offer copywriting, SEO, and many other services.

Some of our plans include hosting and/or maintenance, but you have total freedom to choose your options. Keep in mind that these are essential aspects for the performance and health of a website and should not be overlooked!

We develop highly optimised websites and make sure they are indexed so they can be found in Google and other search engines. Most search engine users don’t get past the first page of results, hence the importance for a website to appear at the top of the search results.

Although appearing on the first page of Google is challenging (there are many factors to take into account), we will work hand in hand to reach the top of Google Search Results so you can attract many more potential customers for your company. That’s why we also recommend our SEO services.

Yes, WordPress is definitely the best choice: it is a great content management system or CMS (the most popular in the world) that currently powers every second website on the internet. Its huge market share is due to its reliability, flexibility, performance, ease of use…

These advantages allow us to create tailor-made, cost-effective, and professional websites, whatever the project. Moreover, it is the easiest option if you decide to manage the content yourself. However, there will be many cases in which professional help will be necessary. We will be happy to assist you!

It is natural that, especially entrepreneurs and small companies, are tempted by these “solutions” as most of them offer very inexpensive or even fee-free plans. However, this is NOT an advantage. If you need to go a bit further than the most utterly basic, get your wallet ready (and the worst thing is that you won’t be the real owner of the website).

Websites created on these platforms are usually terrible in many aspects: they don’t perform well in terms of SEO, the responsive design is poor, you will share web templates with thousands of other users, the security is weak, and many other reasons. Contact us if you want us to clarify any doubts you may have.

Don’t worry, if you’re stuck on something don’t hesitate to contact us. We won’t disappear once the site is launched, we’re here to support you as much or as little as you need!

Also, we offer special rates to our loyal customers; if you are happy with our services, we will continue to help you grow your business.